SCS – Standardized Dress Code
Please see the dress code attached.
Please see the dress code attached.
New to Kindergarten! Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena. Please take a moment to visit our new SCS – Welcome to Kindergarten website. You will be able to take a gallery walk of our school, peruse a lot of information and about our school and YCDSB. Enjoy! Please click the link below.
... Continue reading "WELCOME TO SCS – NEW TO KINDERGARTEN!"
This information is intended to support parents and their children with decision-making around the high school course selection process. Please see attached.
What to Expect from High School (Meffe 2019) – Parent Presentation
Thank you to the 2021-2022 Catholic School Council for serving our school. Please stay tuned for your opportunity to join CSC in September 2022.
The York Catholic District School Board continues to help protect anaphylactic students, students with life threatening allergies. As outlined in the policy, parents are asked to inform the school of such allergies and are required to fill in S15 and S15a forms which are available in the office.
Each form must have a passport size picture attached so that the student is easily ... Continue reading "Students With Life Threatening Allergies – Anaphylaxis"
Please open the attached message for more information. Please take the time to review Policy206-Protection-of-Students-with-Asthma (2) and School Comm. re Asthma